German Ecodesign Award

Exhibition in Bolzano

The traveling exhibition "Thinking ahead" of the German Ecodesign Award is currently visiting South Tyrol.

Until the end of July, you have the opportunity to experience the nominees and award winners of 2023 at the NOI Techpark in Bolzano!

Member of the month

Prof. Jürg Steiner

Prof. Jürg Steiner began his professional career as a theater technician. Among other things, he developed System 180 and was responsible for the conservation and conversion of the Zollverein coking plant and the Oberhausen gasometer as exhibition venues. From 2000-2015 he was professor for exhibition and trade fair design.

He has headed Steiner Architektur-GmbH in Berlin since 2015.

IDZ Member Circle

Designing in an Evolving AI Landscape

Together with IDZ member Experience One, we will again provide a friendly space for exchanging knowledge and presenting diverse perspectives on designing for and with AI.

This exclusive event for IDZ company members and judges of the UX Design Awards will provide new insights and support high-level business networking.


German Ecodesign Award: Exhibition in Bolzano

The travelling exhibition “Thinking Ahead,” ...

Thu, 7/25
7.00 pm–10.00 pm

Designing in an Evolving AI Landscape

In our next IDZ Member Circle/ Experience ...

Wed, 9/25
10.00 am–12.00 pm

International Design Forum

The International Design Forum 2024 will present innovative ...

UX Design Awards

Global Competition

German Ecodesign Award

IDZ Member Circles

Know How & Network

IDZ Events

Lectures & Talks

International Design Forum

otl aicher 100


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People-Centered Design

»The broader one’s understanding of the human experience is, the better designs we will have.«
Steve Jobs

Sustainable Design

»The quality of drafts is the quality of the world.«
Otl Aicher

Network & Business Innovation

»To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit – it is to add value and meaning.« Paul Rand

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Wir haben inzwischen vier dieser Beiträge auf der Website gesammelt, und hoffen, mit der Zeit einen interessanten Einblick in unsere Mitgliederstruktur zu geben.

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Design is an innovation driver for a future worth living.

50 Years IDZ