Flughafen Tempelhof - Living the City
Until december 20th, the former airport Tempelhof will be transformed into a venue of urban life
MIK Ludwigsburg: exhibition Focus Open 2020
Exhibition of the winners of the International Design Award Baden-Württemberg
11.45 am–12.45 pm
IDZ Event
EcoDesign Circle 4.0 ERF 2020:
European Resources Forum
Berlin Science Week
Berlin Science Week and Falling Walls invite you to this year's Remote World Science Summit until November 10.
10.00 am–11.00 am
IDZ Event
6.00 pm–7.30 pm
Berlin University of the Arts: Hybrid Talks #40: Transparency
The contributions will move between visual transparency and the disclosure of facts.
6.00 pm–7.00 pm
Adobe Live – Best Of MAX
Until November 6, Adobe Creative Artists and Designers show trends, inspirations and application tricks from Adobe MAX daily from 6:00-19:00 pm in the livestream.
The Stay Curious – beyond tellerrand Café
“Assumptions & Empathy” with David Thomas and Sharon Steed
Media Tech Hub Conference
The MediaTech Hub Conference is a B2B event for media technologies in Germany in entertainment and industry
World Usability Day Berlin 2020
On November 12, 2020, the capital welcomes all participants of this year's World Usability Day in Berlin!
Hochschule RheinMain: Communication Design Exhibition
The Wiesbaden exhibition of communication design will be presented in a new format starting November 16: OFF THE WALL is KD digital
10.00 am–2.45 pm
Workshop: (New) start in the crisis
Online workshop "(Re-)start in the crisis" on November 17
7.00 pm
urbainable - urban
Sustainability in construction - greenwashing or progress?
IDZ Event
EcoDesign Circle 4.0 - Day 1
The pilot is part of the EU project EcoDesign Circle 4.0.
Wednesday, 11/18/2020
2.00 pm
ADC Design Experience
This year's ADC Design Experience on November 18 from Stuttgart is dedicated to the "departure" into an uncertain future
IDZ Event
EcoDesign Sprint 4.0 - Day 2
The pilot is part of the EU project EcoDesign Circle 4.0.
9.00 am–6.00 pm
Zero Waste Future Festival
On November 20, the Who's Who of Berlin's recycling industry will come together and show how a life with less waste and better recycling works in concrete terms
5.00 pm
Dezeen Awards 2020
architecture show
The Stay Curious – beyond tellerrand Café
“Fonts” with Ulrike Rausch and Oliver Schöndorfer
11.00 am–4.00 pm
Competence Center Sustainable Consumption: INFORCEABLE
The Competence Center Sustainable Consumption invites all interested actors from companies, associations, clubs, science and civil society to an online conference on November 24
5.00 pm
Dezeen Awards 2020
interiors show
Wednesday, 11/25/2020
12.30 pm–2.00 pm
Corona pandemic: Impulses for a more digital healthcare system
The Covid 19 pandemic shows that considerable networking and digitization potential is still untapped in the healthcare system. This applies, for example, to the tracing of infection routes and the analysis of disease progression.
5.00 pm
Dezeen Awards 2020
Design show
10.00 am–3.00 pm
Design talks Business Training | EcoDesign
Discover the advantages of creating a business based on circular economy
IDZ Event
German Ecodesign Award 2020
Announcing and honoring the winners
Flughafen Tempelhof - Living the City
Until december 20th, the former airport Tempelhof will be transformed into a venue of urban life
9.00 am–10.30 am
IDZ Event
Berlin China
Save the Date! „Go to China digital Meet up // Market entry strategies #1“
IDZ Event
Berlin Showroom
Call for Applications - A/W 20/21
IDZ Event
Berlin Showroom
Call for Applications - A/W 20/21
IDZ Event
Call for Entries: Federal Ecodesign Award 2021
Innovative and sustainable concepts, services and products wanted.
9.00 am–10.30 am
IDZ Event
Berlin China
Virtuel „Go to China digital Meet up // Market entry strategies #2“
4.00 pm–5.00 pm
IDZ Event