„JR. Déplacé∙e∙s”.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023: Ralf Huss. The french artist JR exhibits his projects that combine photography, public art and social commitment in the Gallerie d´Italia in Turin.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023 Ralf Huss.
After the exhibition stage in Munich in January, the works of the French artist JR can be seen at the Gallerie d'Italia in Turin until 16th July. At the centre of his artistic activity are larger-than-life art interventions in public space that deal with the problems of migrants and refugees. The size makes the artworks interactive, while thematically raising questions about social fragility. JR's art is created with people for people, emphasises individual as well as societal roles, and ultimately seeks to answer the question of whether art can change the world.
IDZ Event
#UXDA23: Open for Submissions!
Make it count! The UX Design Awards 2023 - Autumn call for participation is open for submissions. Enter your best work by 2 June!
Member of IDZ
Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces.
IDZ member Silke Ihden-Rothkirch is co-curator of the international cooperative exhibition project "Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces". The exhibition can be seen at the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts.
The exhibition promises a juxtaposition of different design positions from numerous post-socialist countries. Both realised and visionary designs, dedicated to private and public space, offer new and surprising insights and might contribute to an overdue reassessment of global design history.
The exhibition focuses on the boom of future orientation between the 1950s and 1980s. Thanks to technological progress, the future was suddenly calculable through systematised innovations.
All according to the associated narrative in post-war modernism, which is still valid today: technological progress promotes social prosperity promotes happiness for all.
In addition to futuristic interiors for hotels, airports or one's own home, the exhibition also shows examples of visual communication for sports competitions and festivals in urban spaces, as well as reconstructions of visionary architecture and cybernetic living spaces.
During the event period until the 16th July, a curator's guided tour will be offered every second Thursday.
Tickets cost €8, or €4 for discounted tickets.
More Information on the museums website.
Member of IDZ
Bauhaus Archiv
Unpacking Jak R. Maier.
inherited and unpacked - the value of things
The temporary bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung presents the story of a surprising heritage and the first exhibition on the life and work of the Berlin artist Jak R. Maier, who passed away in 2010. Interactive and multimedia elements provide a glimpse behind the museum's exhibition curation and administration of estate. In addition a series of events will be offered. The event on the 26th April, for example, will focus on the scope of the inheritance.
Admission is free for both the exhibition and the series of events.
However, prior registration is requested for the event.
Further information can be found on the website.
to 7/31/2023 11.59 pm
Making the value of design visible
In cooperation with the Institute for Design Research at the h_da University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, the German Design Council would like to investigate where and how design is anchored in German companies.
Where and in which way design is used in german companies?.
Are there designers working on innovations or on corporate strategies in your company? In your company, does design contribute to differentiation or also in the area of transformation?
The 2 minute survey focuses on the status quo regarding in which corporate areas (differentiation, transformation, corporate strategy and innovation) designers are active in German companies.
The results can be used to derive best-case scenarios, conclusions about the value of design for corporate success, and a set of arguments for the proper integration of the design function into the organization.
Click here to access the survey.
The survey is in german language.
Friday, 6/2/2023
Member of IDZ
DGTF Confderence 2023: Design and Digital Justice
Annual conference 2023 and 20th anniversary of the DGTF
This year’s DGTF conference is dedicated to current developments around digital technologies and AI. We want to address the question of how design influences society and contributes to digital (in)justice. From inclusion, anti-discrimination and anti-sexism to privacy and digital colonialism, there are many issues that we as designers and researchers need to address to ensure a fair and just digital future. You can find more Information about the Event here.
German Ecodesign Award | Touring exhibition at 35th Coburger Designtage
The touring exhibition "Thinking ahead" ist part of the 35th edition of the Coburger Designtage.
The 35th Coburger Designtage will be the third stop of our touring exhibition from 6 to 11 June. On the grounds of the emerging Kulturfabrik Cortendorf, you can look forward not only to our exhibition but also to creative workshops, inspiring concerts, exciting lectures and a wide variety of gastronomy.
35th Coburger Designtage
6 to 11 June 2023
Kulturfabrik Cortendorf
Gärtnersleite 20
96450 Coburg
Opening hours:
Tuesday starting at 7 p.m.
Wednesday to Sunday from 12 p.m. to 12 a.m.
The entire programme will take place in German.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Deep Dive Award Winners | Samsung Research America
In this Deep Dive Jacob Kim, Director R&D Management, Digital Health Lab at Samsung Research America, and Ixabu Gonzalez, Senior UX Designer, Digital Health Lab at Samsung Research America, will walk us through their award-winning project „Samsung Health Stack (SHS)”
Thursday, 6/15/2023
4.00 pm
Member of IDZ
UID Webinars - Trends UX Design
The series of Webinars by UID continues with its next topic: this time "Building the digital transformation"
When building a house, you often notice mistakes only when the residents have already moved in. To avoid the same situation when building a digital infrastructure in your company, Daniel Kurz and Lisa Reimer explain the importance of a people- and user-centred approach in this webinar, whilst using the metaphor of house-building to deepen your understanding. Click here to get to the mandatory registration for the event.
German Ecodesign Award | Touring exhibition at designtransfer
designtransfer, the gallery of the College of Architecture, Media and Design at the Berlin University of the Arts, opens the exhibition with a vernissage on 16 June.
At the opening, Prof. Ineke Hans will present the chair REX – award winner in the category “Service” in 2022 – as well as other of her projects in the field of plastic. In addition, UdK student Tim Schütze will present his nominated Young Talent work monoplan.
On 20 June, in the context of the exhibition at designtransfer, the English lecture "Redesign the Ordinary" by Johanna Seelemann will take place, in which she explores material cultures that refer to everyday objects and their contexts, production systems and ecological cycles in order to design desirable future scenarios.
The current winners will be on display there until 23 July, the last day of the annual Open Days of the UdK Berlin.
19 June to 23 July 2023
Berlin University of the Arts
Einsteinufer 43-53
10587 Berlin
Opening hours:
Mo to Fri 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
16 June, 6 p.m.
Lecture "Redesign the Ordinary"
20 June, 7 p.m.
Member of IDZ
Plexgroup - Narrative Exhibition Design for the ZeitZeugenBörse
For ZeitZeugenBörse e.V. (ZZB), PLEXGROUP developed and implemented the space and design concept for the exhibition "Nachgefragt". The migration stories of 12 Berliners were made tangible in multimedia design, architecture and motion design.
Mitte Museum
Regionalgeschichtliches Museum für Mitte, Tiergarten und Wedding
Pankstraße 47, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstraße, Bus M27
Opening hours
Sunday - Friday
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
free Entry
6.00 pm–8.30 pm
"politics needs design needs politics"
On the 16th of June 2023, "Deutscher Designtag" welcomes you to their first design policy salon at 6:00 pm in the Camaro Stiftung Berlin.
The event will be supported by a panel discussion and short presentations and thematizes the discourse “design and politics”.
How could the design industry and politics work more closely together?
Which potential of the design industry can be used to better achieve political and social goals?
On the 16th of June 2023, solutions for these and other questions will be discussed.
With the "presentation for a Design Policy" at the first design policy salon in Berlin, Germany is joining a worldwide movement to bring politics and design into conversation and to formulate goals with which the necessary change can succeed.
An introduction by Boris Kochan, President of Deutscher Designtag, will be followed by a kick-off, a Q&A session, short presentations and a panel discussion. Deutscher Designtag is looking forward seeing some of you at the event and the following get-together.
Location: Camaro Stiftung, Potsdamer Strasse 98a, 10785 Berlin
The participation is free of charge. Registration is requested
6.00 pm–10.00 pm
IDZ Event
DESIGN INSIGHTS #2 The Process of Halle (Der Halle-Prozess)
IDZ and feldfünf invite you: Lecture evening with Prof. Matthias Görlich, Maja Redlin and Nils Krüger
“We will never be normal again as long as we avoid talking about what happened and why it happened.” (Reem A.)
On 19 June, we continue our DESIGN INSIGHTS series with the presentation of the publication project “Der Halle-Prozess”, which deals with the right-wing terrorist attack in Halle. Guests are Prof. Matthias Görlich, Maja Redlin and Nils Krüger from the study group Information Design (SI) of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle: https://truth.design/.
19 June 2023 at 6:00 p.m. (admission starting at 5:30 p.m.).
feldfünf, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7-8, 10969 Berlin, Germany.
Prof. Matthias Görlich will first introduce the study group and its working methods. In the group's projects, most notably in the two publications on the “Halle-Prozess”, the potential of communication design in conveying socio-politically relevant issues becomes clear.
On 9 October 2019, the highest Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, a right-wing extremist terrorist first attacks the synagogue in Halle, then the nearby Kiez-Döner. He murders two people and tears many more in Halle and Wiedersdorf (Saxony-Anhalt) from their familiar lives forever. The two-part publication project documents the court case in detail and opens up backgrounds and perspectives to an interested, civil society audience. Nils Krüger and Maja Redlin will present both volumes and provide insights into the genesis, design and implementation of the project. Afterwards, there will be space for questions and discussion.
For the get-together, OBC kindly provides us with Original Berliner Cidre.
The publications „Der Halle-Prozess. Mitschriften“ and „Der Halle-Prozess: Hintergründe und Perspektiven“ are published by Spector Books in Leipzig in 2022.
The event will be held in German, admission is free. Since the number of seats is limited, we ask for binding registration.
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IDZ Event
Berlin Showrooom
Paris Fashion Week
Berlin Showroom will show the most exciting Berlin collections twice this year at Fashion Week in Paris: The Pre-Order event will kick things off from June 22 to 25, for the first time in cooperation with the Tranoï fashion fair.
The collections of Gina Melosi, Impari, Katharina Dubbick, Luise Zücker, Perlensau, Starstyling and Vladimir Karaleev will be on display.
Thursday, 6/22/2023
4.00 pm
Member of IDZ
UID Webinars - Trends UX Design
The next Episode of the series of UX Webinars by UID looks at the significance of UX in Germany.
UID Changitors experts Lisa Reimer and Dr Jan Seifert, who have been empowering project teams to work in an innovative and agile way for 15 years, take a step back and review the last 25 years of UX project management. Where does UX stand today? What challenges do companies face today but also in the future? All these questions will be answered in this webinar. Please register on the UID website before attending.
5.00 pm–7.30 pm
For 70 years, the German Design Council has contributed to the communication, knowledge transfer, networking and promotion of the design process in all areas. Numerous initiatives, concepts and formats have emerged worldwide that link design with business, science, culture and politics.
"Creating Community" Third German Design Debate
The event will feature collectives and individuals whose work is leading to social and economic change, reflecting on the core areas of business, culture, science and education, and presenting their visions for a livable and more just future.
With this debate, the German Design Council aims to focus on these developments and reveal the unifying and fundamental qualities for change from the broad field of design.
Speeches will be translated into German/English by simultaneous interpreters.
Location: Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main, admission from 4:30 p.m. onwards
Participation is free of charge. All designers, entrepreneurs, cultural and art professionals, students and people who are interested are invited.
Paula Scher – Type is Image
The exhibition is dedicated to the work of Paula Scher, one of the most influential and successful graphic artists of her generation.
With Type is Image, Die Neue Sammlung continues its tradition of inviting important contemporary designers to a site-specific installation. Paula Scher, who has been shaping graphic design with her innovative creativity for over five decades, has accepted this invitation with a walk-in exhibition of her work.
Until September 2024, the exhibition shows commissioned works from Scher's beginnings to the present day: from the appearance of the Public Theater in New York to the campaign for Rockaway Beach after the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 to her room and façade designs.
From the floor to the walls to the hanging letters and posters, the exhibition Type is Image offers visitors the opportunity to be surrounded by Paula Scher's work. Even the display cases are supported by letters. From every angle, new perspectives and interesting interplays of different works emerge.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
Together with our neighbors at Metropolenhaus, editor and photographer Anke Illing and Dominika Hasse, Professor of Corporate and Editorial Design at HAWK Hildesheim, we present the book SICHTBAR. FRAUEN IN DER ARCHITEKTUR, that was published by Fruehwerk and Steidl Verlag.
The book brings together portraits of women from all areas of architecture. The photographs as well as personal texts make the women and their perspectives visible on two levels. What issues shape women in architecture? What drives them?
The two pieces of seating furniture, LC4 and LC7 by Charlotte Perriand (1903-1999), and the cigar by Mies van der Rohe play a central role.
With text contributions by, among others, Regula Lüscher, Senate Building Director of Berlin until 2021 and patron of the Women in Architecture Berlin festival, Elke Duda, initiator of the festival, and Meike Weber, architect and cultural manager.
Registration is requested: illing@iv-fotografie.berlin
The event will take place in German.
4.00 pm–5.00 pm
wirDesign - Circular Reporting
On June 27, wirDesign walks you through how reporting can be designed as a value cycle. wirDesign presents how the annual or sustainability report can be used as a stage for the entire brand. The webinar takes place in cooperation with the media company GoingPublic.
Circular Reporting
Impulses, Insights, Inspiration
wirDesign represents holistic brand management.
Together, outcomes will be created that convince with technical excellence, cope with complexity and put people in the center.
The webinar discusses ways in which reporting can be designed as a value-added cycle and takes place in cooperation with the media company GoingPublic.
Register here.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Deep Dive Award Winners | Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH / Bosch Design
In this Deep Dive Christoph Ortmann, Head of Bosch User Interface Design, and Alice Russo, UI/UX Design Manager, will walk us through their award-winning project „Bosch User Interface Generation Digital Ring”.
Thursday, 6/29/2023
4.00 pm
Member of IDZ
UID Webinars - Trends UX Design
In the for now last episode of UID's UX webinars, this time it's about the impact of AI on UX & development.
The speakers Daniel Kurz, who specialises in responsive design and agile project development, and Franz Koller, an expert in the design of user-friendly and responsive UIs, will discuss how generative AI affects daily work in UX and software and how it can be used sensibly. The focus will not only be on text creation with the help of ChatGPT for example, but also on the generation of code and design. Some tips to make daily work easier and application examples will be presented. Please register in advance on the UID- Webseite.
„JR. Déplacé∙e∙s”.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023: Ralf Huss. The french artist JR exhibits his projects that combine photography, public art and social commitment in the Gallerie d´Italia in Turin.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023 Ralf Huss.
After the exhibition stage in Munich in January, the works of the French artist JR can be seen at the Gallerie d'Italia in Turin until 16th July. At the centre of his artistic activity are larger-than-life art interventions in public space that deal with the problems of migrants and refugees. The size makes the artworks interactive, while thematically raising questions about social fragility. JR's art is created with people for people, emphasises individual as well as societal roles, and ultimately seeks to answer the question of whether art can change the world.
to 7/31/2023 11.59 pm
Making the value of design visible
In cooperation with the Institute for Design Research at the h_da University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, the German Design Council would like to investigate where and how design is anchored in German companies.
Where and in which way design is used in german companies?.
Are there designers working on innovations or on corporate strategies in your company? In your company, does design contribute to differentiation or also in the area of transformation?
The 2 minute survey focuses on the status quo regarding in which corporate areas (differentiation, transformation, corporate strategy and innovation) designers are active in German companies.
The results can be used to derive best-case scenarios, conclusions about the value of design for corporate success, and a set of arguments for the proper integration of the design function into the organization.
Click here to access the survey.
The survey is in german language.
German Ecodesign Award | Touring exhibition at designtransfer
designtransfer, the gallery of the College of Architecture, Media and Design at the Berlin University of the Arts, opens the exhibition with a vernissage on 16 June.
At the opening, Prof. Ineke Hans will present the chair REX – award winner in the category “Service” in 2022 – as well as other of her projects in the field of plastic. In addition, UdK student Tim Schütze will present his nominated Young Talent work monoplan.
On 20 June, in the context of the exhibition at designtransfer, the English lecture "Redesign the Ordinary" by Johanna Seelemann will take place, in which she explores material cultures that refer to everyday objects and their contexts, production systems and ecological cycles in order to design desirable future scenarios.
The current winners will be on display there until 23 July, the last day of the annual Open Days of the UdK Berlin.
19 June to 23 July 2023
Berlin University of the Arts
Einsteinufer 43-53
10587 Berlin
Opening hours:
Mo to Fri 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
16 June, 6 p.m.
Lecture "Redesign the Ordinary"
20 June, 7 p.m.
Member of IDZ
Plexgroup - Narrative Exhibition Design for the ZeitZeugenBörse
For ZeitZeugenBörse e.V. (ZZB), PLEXGROUP developed and implemented the space and design concept for the exhibition "Nachgefragt". The migration stories of 12 Berliners were made tangible in multimedia design, architecture and motion design.
Mitte Museum
Regionalgeschichtliches Museum für Mitte, Tiergarten und Wedding
Pankstraße 47, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstraße, Bus M27
Opening hours
Sunday - Friday
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
free Entry
Paula Scher – Type is Image
The exhibition is dedicated to the work of Paula Scher, one of the most influential and successful graphic artists of her generation.
With Type is Image, Die Neue Sammlung continues its tradition of inviting important contemporary designers to a site-specific installation. Paula Scher, who has been shaping graphic design with her innovative creativity for over five decades, has accepted this invitation with a walk-in exhibition of her work.
Until September 2024, the exhibition shows commissioned works from Scher's beginnings to the present day: from the appearance of the Public Theater in New York to the campaign for Rockaway Beach after the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 to her room and façade designs.
From the floor to the walls to the hanging letters and posters, the exhibition Type is Image offers visitors the opportunity to be surrounded by Paula Scher's work. Even the display cases are supported by letters. From every angle, new perspectives and interesting interplays of different works emerge.
5.00 pm–7.00 pm
IDZ Event
5.00 pm–7.00 pm
IDZ Event
7.00 pm–10.00 pm
IDZ Event
5.00 pm–6.00 pm
IDZ Event
IDZ Excursion with Silke Ihden-Rothkirch
Invitation to guided tour through special exhibition - Retrotopia – Design for Socialist Spaces - at Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
Eleven "design capsules" show design projects, many of them unknown, from former socialist countries in Europe, including the former Yugoslavia. Curator Dr. Claudia Banz, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, had invited co-curatorial teams from Bratislava, Brno, Budapest, Eisenhüttenstadt, Kiev, Ljubljana, Prague, Tallinn, Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb and Berlin to stage one contribution each for the public space and the private sphere.
IDZ member Silke Ihden-Rothkirch was involved in the project as co-curator and editor and will accompany the tour of the exhibition hall on July 11. In addition, you can look forward to a greeting from Dr. Banz, interesting visual axes, unusual constellations and impulses for further explorations, and a glass of wine afterwards, to which we cordially invite you.
Please register
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
to 7/16/2023 6.00 pm
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle - Annual Exhibition 2023
On the 15th and 16th of July, the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle presents its annual exhibition. Rooms of the university as well as other locations in Halle will offer insights into the creative processes and results of the students. Burg Giebichenstein is looking forward to welcome you form 10 am to 16 pm.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Deep Dive Award Winners | Bitstamp / Momentum Design Lab
In this Deep Dive, Mark Scrivener, Managing Director, and Sam Price, Senior Product Designer, both at Momentum Design Lab, at will walk us through the award-winning project „ Bitstamp Go with MomentumIO”.
Member of IDZ
Plexgroup - Narrative Exhibition Design for the ZeitZeugenBörse
For ZeitZeugenBörse e.V. (ZZB), PLEXGROUP developed and implemented the space and design concept for the exhibition "Nachgefragt". The migration stories of 12 Berliners were made tangible in multimedia design, architecture and motion design.
Mitte Museum
Regionalgeschichtliches Museum für Mitte, Tiergarten und Wedding
Pankstraße 47, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstraße, Bus M27
Opening hours
Sunday - Friday
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
free Entry
Paula Scher – Type is Image
The exhibition is dedicated to the work of Paula Scher, one of the most influential and successful graphic artists of her generation.
With Type is Image, Die Neue Sammlung continues its tradition of inviting important contemporary designers to a site-specific installation. Paula Scher, who has been shaping graphic design with her innovative creativity for over five decades, has accepted this invitation with a walk-in exhibition of her work.
Until September 2024, the exhibition shows commissioned works from Scher's beginnings to the present day: from the appearance of the Public Theater in New York to the campaign for Rockaway Beach after the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 to her room and façade designs.
From the floor to the walls to the hanging letters and posters, the exhibition Type is Image offers visitors the opportunity to be surrounded by Paula Scher's work. Even the display cases are supported by letters. From every angle, new perspectives and interesting interplays of different works emerge.
6.00 pm
HOW DO WE AGGLO? Designing Urban Ecotones
We introduce AGGLOmeration as a design activity. In departing from the common understanding of agglomeration as description of problematic disjuncted urban spaces, we can activate hitherto neglected urban areas and make use of their undiscovered potentialities.
Faceless, fragmented, forgotten –
This is the condition of most urban sites in cities around the globe. How to agglomerate these atomized bits and pieces? Imagine creating urban ecotones as places of friction and encounter, where spatial interventions prompt people to co-inhabit buildings, open spaces, urban systems, and atmospheres.
Welcome to the experiment of the Initiators: Benita Braun-Feldweg (bfstudio-architekten Berlin), Lisa Diedrich (Walter Gropius Lehrstuhl Buenos Aires und SLU-Malmö), Flavio Janches (FADU- UBA Buenos Aires).
An Exhibition which AGGLOmerates 5 approaches, 4 universities, 3 disciplines to suggest ideas for an urban living on 3 sites in Berlin.
HOW DO WE AGGLO? Is taking place in the rooms of the Metropolenhaus.
Feldfünf, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7-8 10969 Berlin
Click here for more information regarding the exhibition "HOW DO WE AGLO?" running from the 18.08.2023 - 09.09.2023.
The opening will be held in English.
6.00 pm
Part of the exhibition "HOW DO WE AGGLO?" running from Aug. 18, 2023 - Sept. 9, 2023, is the panel discussion "WHERE WE LIVE NOW."
We introduce AGGLOmeration as a design activity. In departing from the common understanding of agglomeration as description of problematic disjuncted urban spaces, we can activate hitherto neglected urban areas and make use of their undiscovered potentialities.
HOW DO WE AGGLO? Is taking place in the rooms of the Metropolenhaus.
Feldfünf, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7-8 10969 Berlin
Visit the exhibition on Aug. 25, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for in-depth discussions.
The panel discussion will be held in German.