Deutsche Gesellschaft für Designtheorie und -forschung (DGTF)
Type of Design
- Design Theory and Research
Services and specializations
The German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 2003 to foster discussion, exchange and profiling of relevant design issues.The DGTF is a German-speaking association explicitly adressing design research in Germany and abroad. Having more than 300 members mainly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the DGTF networks and brings forward the discourse by activities such as conferences, publications, special interest groups, annual meetings and other public events.
As a forum for exchange and discussion, the DGTF emphasizes various aspects of design, offers competent mentoring, provides encouragement and initiates public debates. Given the fact that design research is a young discipline, whose structures are still under development, but whose relevance is growing quickly, the DGTF is doing active information work, policy development and advocacy, so that academia, policy and economy recognize the need for design theory and research.
The DGTF offers greater connectivity of design theorists and researchers in German-speaking as well as international institutions and research networks. The DGTF is particularly committed to promote doctoral candidates and junior researchers.
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