Ilka Eiche, founder and managing director of White off /, has been at home in the areas of brand, strategy, design, team building and leadership for over 20 years. She develops and accompanies strategically, creatively and communicatively ambitious brands, companies and products in the areas of "Branding", "Team Building" and "Creative Coaching".

With the foundation of White off / she pursues a new agency orientation out of conviction: the bundling of experienced experts of different professions in a flexible network, the positive connection of people and brand and the focused cooperation at eye level.

In the Corona year 2020, Ilka Eiche launched the campaign "Und jetzt?" ("and now?") on Linkedin. As she reveals in the interview, she was particularly taken with the connecting, interested and constructive exchange with colleagues from the design industry: "I hope it continues, because it is a real enrichment. I'm looking forward to seeing many more people taking part. Just contact me!"

Ilka Eiche on the Internet:

Ilka Eiche's inspirations:
- Schwarzdenker (Published by Victoria Sarapina, Munich)
- Bildungprojekt wirBERLIN

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