As far as her relationship to design is concerned, Johanne Nalbach, a graduate of the Vienna University of Technology, refers to the tradition of Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos: design is not a special field but belongs to the understanding of an architect. An architect is always also an urban planner, and also a designer.

With the Architekturbüro Nalbach + Nalbach in Berlin, founded in 1975 together with her husband Gernot Nalbach, Johanne Nalbach has realized numerous successful projects - in addition to office and residential buildings and hotels, also a large number of major urban development projects. When asked about her personal highlights of her illustrious career, however, she does not mention the really big projects - the "PULVERMÜHLE" quarter in Spandau's Wasserstadt district, for example, the Federal Press Conference Center, the townhouses on Friedrichswerder, or the first prize in the Friedrichstrasse urban planning competition in Berlin-Mitte. Instead, she reports on two relatively small buildings that are particularly close to her heart: the Café Bravo in the Kunstwerke on Auguststraße, which she realized together with the artist Dan Graham in the late 1990s, and the HOMUNKULUS Figurentheater on the island of Hiddensee. Photo: Johannes Kochs