Our member of the month, IONDESIGN, was founded in 1993 by Anja Götz and Christoph Fleckenstein in Berlin. Starting out with just the two of them, new projects, clients, and employees were constantly added. Activities at several universities followed. Back to the roots in the studio in the lush suburbs, they are now a team of three with Tom Ruthenberg, working on entirely new ideas and tasks.

From the beginning, boundaries were crossed, including those between design disciplines, from product, packaging, interior, and public to architecture and graphics, in Germany, Europe, and worldwide. For this, IONDESIGN has been awarded all important national and international design prizes. “The most important awards for us, however, are the long-standing and trusting relationships with clients, project partners, and team members,” say Götz and Fleckenstein.

IONDESIGN accompanies the design process from the initial idea to the finished product. The focus is always on the relationship between things, people, and their environment. Design makes things usable.

IONDESIGN on the net:

Film: Perfect Days by Wim Wenders
Book: Mr. Palomar by Italo Calvino
TV: Die Sendung mit der Maus