Prof. Anna Berkenbusch is a communication designer and works mainly in the cultural and social sector. Until 2020, she was active in teaching, with professorships and guest professorships at various universities, most recently teaching communication design at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle.

She is a member of the Federal Ministry of Finance Art Advisory Board for postage stamps and on various expert juries in Germany and abroad.

Anna Berkenbusch works with language and everyday culture, lectures and publishes on visual and verbal communication topics. Her work has received numerous national and international awards.

She is a designer and editor/co-editor of publications such as “Denken und Gestalten”, “Denke Krieg”, “Geschlossene Gesellschaft” and “Die 100 besten Plakate der Burg”; her most recent book was “Alle Tage, Gestaltung für Menschen.”

Prof. Anna Berkenbusch on the net:

Living, Writing, Breathing by Doris Dörrie
I remember by Joe Brainard

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