
from 8:00 AM
Venue: Werkstatt


9:00 AM – 09:30 AM
Venue: Werkstatt

Welcome by:

  • Prof. Karsten Henze, International Design Center Berlin (Chairman of the Board)
  • Dr. Bettina Rechenberg, German Environment Agency (Head of the department »Sustainable Production and Products, Waste Management«)
  • Christian Rickerts, Permanent Secretary at the Berlin Senate, Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises

»Materials and Processes«

Keynote and Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 11:20 AM
Venue: Werkstatt

Biomimicry: What Nature Can Teach us About Circularity, Value and Innovation
by Dr. Arndt Pechstein, phi360 / Hasso-Plattner-Institute Berlin

With entire industries witnessing disruptive changes and anthropogenic changes happening world-wide, a new mindset and the implementation of new approaches are imperative. Sustainable, systemic solutions gain increasing importance and it seems natural that the design of our products should draw inspiration from the biological world. Consequently, Biomimicry, the discipline that abstracts biological design principles to human problem solving, has experienced significant growth over the past years. Dr. Arndt Pechstein, Biomimicry specialist and expert in human-centered innovation is pioneering this innovation method in Germany and will introduce into novel approaches of problem-solving and bio-inspiration. By forging a positive instead of an adversarial relationship between technology, business, and the environment, Biomimicry promises to be a societal and economic game changer.

As multi-award winning entrepreneur, agile coach, and specialist in Neuroscience, Biomimicry (bio-inspired innovation), Design Thinking (user-centered innovation) and Digital Business Models, Berlin-based Dr. Arndt Pechstein advises organizations in adaptive leadership, resilient and learning networks, disruptive innovation, and digital transformation. Arndt is founder of the innovation firm and founder & director of the German Biomimicry think-tank. He serves as advisor for automotive, banking, pharmaceutical, energy, manufacturing, e-commerce, and education.

Panel Discussion with:

Moderated by Stephan Bohle, futurestrategy. strategies for sustainability


Keynote and Panel Discussion
11:40 AM – 1:00 PM
Venue: Werkstatt

Changing Mindsets in a Circular Economy
by Anne Raudaskoski,

The circular economy framework provides endless opportunities for businesses, cities and societies as a whole. Regardless of this abundance available to us, we are still quite far from an economy that is based on circular thinking. Could it be that our own mindset is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome? What needs to change so that we could reap all the known as well as still unknown benefits of the circular economy? During her presentation Anne Raudaskoski will highlight some of the essential viewpoints to help us move away from the current linear model.

Anne Raudaskoski is a Co-founder and Principal Consultant of Ethica, a circular economy consultancy operating internationally across private and public sectors. Some of the latest projects include Circular Economy Ecosystem development as part of the European Raw Materials programme; a circular district concept and business ecosystem development with the City of Tampere and developing the EcoDesign Sprint program targeted at SMEs and design agencies. Ethica was highly commended at the prestigious Circulars2016 competition through the Relooping Fashion project focusing on building the future of textile industry, and the project was also chosen as one of the most innovative circular projects in Sustainia 100 publication.

Panel Discussion with:

Moderated by Cornelia Horsch, International Design Center Berlin

Teaching Materials: »Ecodesign in Practice« & »Sustainability Guide«

Presentation hosted by SVID Swedish Industrial Foundation
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM
Venue: Green Garage

With the urge to develop tools and gather information to teach and inspire companies as well as faculties, SVID Swedish Industrial Foundation did a survey to find out what questions and needs that were most asked for. The survey result is the basis for a new Sustainability Guide. SVID will present this transnational hub of information, inspiration and methods for Ecodesign.

Local Initiatives

2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
Venue: Werkstatt

Circular Berlin
presented by Dina Padalkina

The project »Circular Berlin« focuses on the acceleration of Berlin's transition to a circular city by developing a common circular vision and identifying an appropriate circular city strategy. It engages different stakeholders from Berlin to develop circular competences, share skills and knowledge on circularity, and to support of practical and scalable solutions.

presented by Alice Grindhammer

The CRCLR House is located in the heart of Neukölln between Karl-Marx Strasse and Hermannstrasse. It is on the premises of what used to be the Kindl Brewery, and was formerly used as a storage space. Today it is Berlin’s ground zero for all things circular economy.

Moderated by Lars Zimmermann, Open Source Circular Economy Days Berlin

»Fashion and Textiles«

Panel Discussion
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Venue: Werkstatt


Moderated by Marte Hentschel, Sourcebook

EcoDesign Sprint: a strategic tool for circular business development

Presentation hosted by Design Forum Finland and Ethica
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Venue: Green Garage

EcoDesign Sprint is an intensive 3-day training and acceleration program targeted at SMEs and design agencies. The Sprint gathers a multidisciplinary team of professionals consisting of designers, a circular economy coach and SME as a client company to focus on the SME’s business opportunities through circular thinking. For the SMEs, the Sprint is a concrete and rapid service/product development process furthering the company’s strategic goals. For the designers, the Sprint provides a great opportunity to learn and embed circular design principles into their own work.

The overall goal of the EcoDesign Sprint is to develop circular product/service concepts and explore novel business models through design methods. EcoDesign Sprint has been developed as part of the EcoDesign Circle project by Design Forum Finland.

Closing Keynote

4:45 PM – 5:15 PM
Venue: Werkstatt

Circular Systems Design
by Dr. Leyla Acaroglu, UnSchool of Disruptive Design / Disrupt Design

With the increase in understanding and excitement around the circular economy there is a strong need for accessible tools and approaches that fit the different types of creatives challenged to activate circular systems. Leyla outlines the systems thinking and circular design approaches that can help transform the creative communities to be Champions of circular change.

Sustainability provocateur and cultural protagonist Dr. Leyla Acaroglu challenges people to think differently about how the world works. As an award winning designer, UNEP Champion of the Earth, sociologist, and entrepreneur, she developed the Disruptive Design Method and designs cerebrally activating experiences, gamified toolkits, and unique educational experiences that help people make the status quo obsolete. Her mainstage TED talk on sustainability has been viewed over a million times, and she leads presentations around the world on activating positive social change through creative interventions and systems thinking.


from 5:15 PM
Venue: Werkstatt

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