Do you plan to strengthen your individual or team skills?
We provide training and coaching for leaders, teams and creative professionals

R&D teams and their members’ skills are the core innovative capacity of your company. At the same time, constant change processes challenge your organization and increase pressure on your leadership and employees to expand their personal skills and expertise.

Through workshops and team trainings, IDZ supports you to increase innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship in your organization. Depending on your field of business, we offer bespoke workshops, trainings and master classes in areas such as agile/creative leadership, strategic design, user-centric/UX design or co-creation methods. Based on our extensive network we propose the right trainers and experts to match your individual needs.

We would be pleased to develop a suitable concept for you.
If you are interested in an initial meeting, please contact us.


Ake Rudolf, Head of Strategy
T +49 (0)30 61 62 321-16

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50 Years IDZ