»To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit – it is to add value and meaning.« – Paul Rand

Constant change shapes our living environment, transforms working environments and traditional business fields. Increasing complexity and rapid technological developments require new collaboration models, cross-sector knowledge and access to the right project partners.

Design enables multidisciplinary teams to combine multiple impulses and fields of knowledge in a target-oriented way. Co-creation methods accelerate innovation cycles and promote the success of products by involving target groups at an early stage. Principles such as ecodesign and circular design enable forward-thinking solutions and sustainable added value.

Networking formats of the IDZ support you in establishing valuable contacts and deepening the professional exchange. Innovation workshops or agency brokering offer access to our network of experts and innovative agencies.

IDZ Services:


Do you plan to strengthen your individual or team skills?


Are you seeking radically new insights and innovative solutions?

Hand-Picked Agencies

Are you searching design partners for a digitization or industry project?

Selected Formats:

IDZ Member Circles

Know-How & Network

EcoDesign Circle

Capacity Building

Berlin & China

Cooperation Network

Design Management

SME Program

Ecodesign for SME

Design & Company

Advanced Training

IDZ members

introduce themselves

Anfang 2020 haben wir begonnen, in unserem monatlichen Newsletter ein IDZ-Mitglied des Monats vorzustellen.

Wir haben inzwischen vier dieser Beiträge auf der Website gesammelt, und hoffen, mit der Zeit einen interessanten Einblick in unsere Mitgliederstruktur zu geben.

Become a member!

We are the professional design network.

About IDZ

We stand for good design.

50 Years IDZ