The extent to which products influence the environment and our everyday culture is determined greatly by their design. The German Ecodesign Award, which was launched in 2012 by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection the German Environment Agency, in cooperation with the IDZ, recognises innovative products and concepts that embody high ecological and aesthetic aspirations. The overarching objective is to promote innovation and to support the market introduction and diffusion of environmentally sound products via a high-profile award. For companies and designers, the competition provides a platform for showcasing products and ideas of outstanding ecological- and design quality.

The International Design Center Berlin (IDZ), with the support of a project advisory board, has been commissioned with the development of the competition format and -implementation.

Upcoming events

Thursday, 6/27/2024
4.00 pm
IDZ Event

Learning from nature
In cooperation with Tegel Projekt GmbH, we invite you to an exclusive Member Circle on the site of the former Berlin-Tegel Airport. We are looking forward to an exciting networking event with our members, former winners of the German Ecodesign Award as well as members of the advisory board and jury of the award.

Our exclusive member event promises exciting insights and inspiring encounters. On June 27 at 4 PM, we cordially invite you to our next IDZ Member Circle at the Berlin TXL site.

We will be guests at the Berlin TXL Info Center, the innovation and network platform for sustainable urban development and urban technologies. Marija Marchuk and Stephanie Ambrosius-Groß will talk about the plans for the site's redevelopment: How will the former airport become the Urban Tech Republic? What makes the Schumacher Quarter a pioneering ecological and social model project in Berlin?

Following this, Robin Hoske and Felix Rasehorn, founders of the WINT DESIGN LAB based on the former airport grounds and winners of the 2023 Federal Ecodesign Award, will present their project "GOLD – Textiles from Collagen." The subsequent Q&A session and joint get-together will provide opportunities for exchange and networking.

June 27, 2024, at 4:00 PM (doors open at 3:30 PM)

Tegel Projekt GmbH - Infocenter Berlin TXL
Urban Tech Republic, Building V
Flughafen Tegel 1, 13405 Berlin

The event is free of charge and will be held in German. As the number of participants is limited, please register using the link provided in the invitation. If you have any questions, please contact us at:

In cooperation with:

Past events

IDZ Event

German Ecodesign Award | Call for entries 2024
From 22 January to 15 April, companies, designers and students throughout Europe can apply for the German Ecodesign Award 2024.

We are looking for imaginative ideas and projects that are outstandingly designed and forward-looking. In addition to market-ready products and services, this also includes conceptual and student work. Design innovations are just as much in demand as technical and social innovations. There are no limits to creativity!

More information about the award at:


German Ecodesign Award
T +49 (0)30 61 62 321-21

IDZ members

introduce themselves

Anfang 2020 haben wir begonnen, in unserem monatlichen Newsletter ein IDZ-Mitglied des Monats vorzustellen.

Wir haben inzwischen vier dieser Beiträge auf der Website gesammelt, und hoffen, mit der Zeit einen interessanten Einblick in unsere Mitgliederstruktur zu geben.

Become a member!

The professional design excellence network

About IDZ

Design is an innovation driver for a future worth living.

50 Years IDZ