Research project and study

In cooperation with the SIBIS Institute for Social Research and Project Consultancy (SIBIS), IDZ Berlin undertook a research project under the title »Stimulating economic growth and employment by orienting businesses and economic policy towards the Design for All concept«. The Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research (RWI Essen) was involved in the development of economic-political conclusions. The contracting entity for the project was the German Federal Ministry of Economics.

Through an analysis of national and international examples of best practice, the project highlighted the strategies selected for the implementation of Design for All, as well as the hurdles to be overcome and potential beneficial effects for businesses and the national economy. 

The study can be downloaded at:
Abstract (English) | Complete Study (German)


Ingrid Krauß
T +49 (0)30 61 62 321-0
F +49 (0)30 61 62 321-19

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