Online Directory for Berlin's Design Industry

The first directory of Berlin's creative ecosystem "" was launched in January 2006. The web portal offered access to more than 2.000 Berlin based creative consultancies, to industry news and events. In order to find matching design services, users could apply a variety of filters when browsing a constantly growing database. Listed design firms had access to a variety of automated functions to administer their portfolios, post classified ads, news or events.

Sector Study – Berlin Design Industry

As a foundation for the online platform the IDZ published a pioneering sector study on Berlin’s vibrant design industry in 1993. The 344 page long compendium combined analysis with documentation and a first directory of Berlin based design consultancies. The gathered data enhanced sector recognition and yielded key data for economic policy measures for the creative sector.

The sector study and platform development have been funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises

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